Your senior years may feel distant, but they are closer than you realize. It's important to start building a solid care plan for your future, even while you're taking care of someone else.
Taking action now is crucial, especially for single women in their 40s and 50s. Planning for goes beyond your 401k and social security. It's essential to consider sufficient healthcare, suitable housing, and the lifestyle you envision for your future.
These issues may seem overwhelming, but I am dedicated to sharing valuable insights that I've learned on this journey. Together, let's embrace the challenges and unlock a future with less fear, worry, and stress.
About Kerri

Hey there, my name is Kerri Forrest, and I'm not just a daughter, sister, and friend - I'm also a care partner. Over the past decade, I've had the honor of being the "pinch hitter" support team for my family members through financial and health challenges, and it's been an eye-opening experience.
It's shown me just how vulnerable we can be to life's problems, expected and unexpected, if we don't have a solid plan in place. This is particularly true for women, who make it all work for others while keeping it together for themselves!
My goal is to inspire and empower women to take charge of their lives and create a fulfilling future. I intimately understand the fear and overwhelm that come with making critical care decisions for others - and for myself. That's why I'm on a mission to share my knowledge and lend a helping hand to others, especially single women, who are struggling with these scary but oh-so-necessary choices. Together, we can navigate these complex issues, the challenging conversations, and planning for life’s unexpected turns with confidence!
When I'm not busy advocating for my fellow care partners and care givers, you can find me working as a connector and collaborator. As a former Emmy-award winning journalist for NBC and CBS News, I now develop leadership programs for individuals, help nonprofits become more sustainable, and I thrive on bringing people together, fostering meaningful connections, and making awesome things happen.
Kerri's Talks

To Have, and to Hold: vow to care for your future self
Planning for your senior years, especially when you’re in your 30s, 40s, and 50s can seem so far away. But it’s closer than you think: By 2040 there will be 20 million individuals turning 65.
In this encouraging talk for all audiences, I will talk through the discomfort of making sense of the planning journey, and look at how to make 3 critical decisions: long-term care insurance, an estate plan, and senior housing. At the end of this talk, the audience will feel empowered to start the process.
Girl, let’s talk about real self-care – planning for your future
When we think of self-care, we often imagine bubble baths, face masks, and pampering ourselves in the present. But real self-care also means planning for the long term and ensuring that we have everything in place to live a comfortable and secure life as we get older.
In this lively and inspiring talk specifically for female audiences, I walk through 3 aspects of future planning that every woman needs: long-term care insurance, an estate plan, and senior housing. At the end of this talk, audience members will feel empowered to take the next steps to securing their future.

Holding it down for both of us: Caring for your loved one and yourself
Being a family caregiver is a challenging role, especially for single women who often have to balance caring for their loved ones with their own needs and responsibilities. However, it is essential to remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your loved one.
In this talk, I will share strategies on how to develop effective support systems for you and your loved one and implement effective financial planning to secure yourself so you’re able to assist. At the end of this talk, audience members will have tools.
Kerri's Testimonials
Throughout my years of acquaintance with Kerri Forrest, she has consistently demonstrated strong commitment to her mission as well as to her larger community. Kerri possesses powerful force of personality, expressing herself with clarity, directness, humor, and authority.
Terry Fox
Co-Founder and Associate Director, “PechaKucha – Charleston: Charleston Music Hall and Charleston Arts Festival
Kerri Forrest is one of the most inspiring storytellers I’ve had the opportunity to work with. When planning our agency’s first-ever retreat, Kerri was the first person I called to join as a guest speaker. Her talk to our crew of 25+ folks was refreshing and thoughtfully composed, with our mission baked into every key point.
Ellen Schmedinghoff
Strategy and Content Director, Blue Ion
Kerri is a natural communicator, probably as a result of her background in journalism. She takes the commissions very seriously, is extremely well prepared and has a very pleasing manner on the platform. She has a wide range of knowledge and expertise, stemming from her professional career.
Diana Reich
Artistic Director Charleston Literary Festival

It's quite rare to have a speaker who is so thorough and engaged.
Gary Younge, Author, Dispatches from the Diaspora
Contact Kerri